Day 4: Rain, Rain, Go Away

Chuck here. 🙂

Day 3: Ichetucknee Springs to White Springs, FL
30 miles

I know a few people will be a little disappointed when they see we have only gone 30 or 40 miles in a day. We are on this journey to ride our bikes across the country and see and experience the ride of a lifetime. It’s not a race. We want to share our experiences; the good, bad and the ugly.

Today has been a good day. Yes, we only went 30 miles, but we are staying the day/night in a dry and clean place.

Bob knew of the Suwannee Bicycle Association in White Springs. He is a member and he made some phone calls and they are letting us spend as much time as we need to ride out the rain that is now pouring outside. Cheryl gave us a heads up about the bad weather or we might have been caught in the open country. Thank you MBB.

We arrived here in White Springs about an hour before the rains came down. 🙂

Rain? What Rain? Bob & Harry with some cyclists about an hour before it rained.

Florida Bicycle Safari riders caught in the downpour.

The Suwannee Bicycle Association puts on a lot of rides and this weekend there were about 400 riders here taking advantage of their SAG stop for the Florida Bicycle Safari that started today.

Fellow Withlacoochee Bicycle Group cyclists, Colin & Evelyn and Mari & Jerry, have been here for their Suwannee Sweetheart Cycling Weekend in February. It is a nice place to ride and meet great bicycle people.

We’re staying the night here at the club, sleeping on their nice, big couches. Thank you SBA for the fantastic hospitality. We really appreciate it.

Inside SBA

Inside SBA

Tomorrow we hope to reach Madison, or at least Live Oak. But with the weather forecast (more rain, winds 15-20 mph with gusts to 25 mph), we are going to have to play this one by what happens.

Today's Route